Hop Pole Studios
Hop Pole Castle, New Cut, Westfield, East Sussex, TN35 4RL
Please note that the sat nav directs you around the corner.
The green pin on the maps below mark the correct position of
Hop Pole Studios.
Travelling by car:
Follow the directions to TN35 4RL until you have taken the right hand turn up an unmarked road in New Cut. Instead of following the road round to the left continue up the unmade lane to the white house which has 3 Velux windows in the roof and is at the very top of the lane. Drive straight into the yard where you can park. The gallery is at the far end of the yard opposite the house.
If the parking in the yard is full please park in Cottage Lane, and please respect the local residents.
By train:
The nearest stations are Three Oaks or Battle, but you will need transport from the station to the gallery.
If you need help with directions please call 07768 874032 or 07811952516, or email shiftgallerysussex@gmail.com.